I Concerti
- Titolo:
- the villains
- Quando:
- 12.05.2012 22.30 h
- Dove:
- Il pasteggio a Livello - San Felice sul Panaro
- Categoria:
- indie
The Villains are a rock band from Pavullo nel Frignano (Italy), active since the end of 2008. The band is fronted by vocalist/keyboardist Giorgia Biolchini, who co-founded The Villains with lead guitarist Davide Tebaldi, bass-player Luca Bagatti and drummer Riccardo Cocetti. The Villains' style of alternative rock was mainly influenced by indie rock at first. Nowadays, their work in progress is showing some sort of evolution to their own path in the indie rock panorama, always paying great attention to melody and lyrics.

- Venue:
- Il pasteggio a Livello
- Via:
- Perossaro Vecchia 407
- Cap:
- 41038
- Città:
- San Felice sul Panaro
- Provincia:
- MO
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