I Concerti
- Titolo:
- Quando:
- 28.12.2013 22.30 h
- Dove:
- Il pasteggio a Livello - San Felice sul Panaro
- Categoria:
- Rock
Kill Your Boyfriend meet up at the beginning of 2011 as the side-project of
Matteo Scarpa (Wora Wora Washington, The Transisters) and Marco Fontolan
(Kitsune), the first on vocals/synth bass, the second on guitar plus a drum
For results as free spirited and fresh as possible, a promotional EP was
immediately home recorded and mixed.
Their first album obtained an immediate success and the band was invited to
important events and festivals at renowned venues in Northern Italy.
Then Roberto Durante on synths joined the original line up.
In October 2012 they recorded six new tracks at Cheap Studio in Treviso. While
in their first album they seem to prefer more direct and instinctive sounds and
atmospheres, this time they’ve decided to profit from new instruments (hammond
and real percussions) to get a sophisticated, wider sound spectrum.
“Jacques” and “Xavier” from the EP track list are included in this new work
since they are very close to the present sound of the band.
Nicola Manzan (Bologna Violenta), who mixed the stuff, was able to find
exactly the essence of sound KYB were looking for.
Under the coordination of Shyrec, KYB will release their first official album
in late spring this year, while they are planning their promotional tour on the
best stages in Italy and abroad making the drummer Antonio Angeli a stable band
- Venue:
- Il pasteggio a Livello
- Via:
- Perossaro Vecchia 407
- Cap:
- 41038
- Città:
- San Felice sul Panaro
- Provincia:
- MO
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