I Concerti
- Titolo:
- people of the sun
- Quando:
- 26.10.2013 22.30 h
- Dove:
- Il pasteggio a Livello - San Felice sul Panaro
- Categoria:
- Tribute Band
Repertorio attuale (120 minuti circa):
. Bombtrack
. Killing in the name
. Bullet in the head
. Know your enemy
. Fistfull of steel
. People of the sun
. Bulls on parade
. Guerrilla radio
. Testify
. Sleep now in the fire
. Born of a broken man
. Maggie's farm
. Wake up
. Take the power back
. Freedom
. Renegade of funk
. The ghost of Tom Joad
. Calm like a bomb
. I'm housin
. Township rebellion
. Vietnow
. No Shelter
In cantiere:
. Down Rodeo
. Born as ghost
. Tire me

- Venue:
- Il pasteggio a Livello
- Via:
- Perossaro Vecchia 407
- Cap:
- 41038
- Città:
- San Felice sul Panaro
- Provincia:
- MO
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